Maintaining popularity in the music industry is no easy task. Thus, this is why, when we came across this article that looks at how artists can achieve longevity in the turbulent music business we had to share it with you.
April 11, 2018
Longevity is something that artists cannot take for granted. Something that was popular last year – or even last week – can suddenly go out of fashion in the blink of an eye. However, some artists have held onto their fanbase and continued to push out new music that has hit the Billboard charts time and time again. They have been rewarded with longevity, but even that within itself is a finicky thing.
How do I develop myself enough today to get longevity in the future? Hard work and dedication are two of the most important values that you have to think about when you’re in the music industry. When you’re first starting out, you need to be able to find a fanbase. Establishing a brand is extremely important because that is how your audience will know who you are and why they should like your music beyond “it’s good.”
Once you have a big enough fanbase, you need to focus on producing a constant amount of content for those fans to engage with your brand. Either with releasing new music, posting on your website and social media, or touring.
Once you have the music and the fans, the last step would be keeping up with your fans. It is essential to stay true to your brand while also continually promoting yourself as a current artist.
This article is a re-post, with small modifications, of “How To Achieve Longevity In The Music Industry” an article published on by Emily O’Connell
Click here to visit the original content.