Music affects dogs’ behavior. And according to a recent study conducted by the University of Glascow, dogs appear to prefer reggae and soft rock over other genres of music. Continue reading to find out why!
Friday, February 22nd
The Scottish SPCA and the University of Glasgow have published a paper which suggests music affects dogs’ behaviour. Within the study, researchers played a variety of music to dogs and assessed physiological and behavioural changes.
Professor Neil Evans, in charge of the study, reveal that the most positive behaviour changes were seen when the dogs were played reggae and soft rock.
However, the response to different genres was mixed highlighting the possibility that like humans, our canine friends have their own individual music preferences.
The dogs were played five different genres of music: soft rock, Motown, pop, reggae and classical.
The study suggested that dogs spent “significantly more time lying and significantly less time standing” when music was played, regardless of genre.
By measuring the dogs’ heart rate, researchers said they showed a decrease in stress levels when played music – particularly when it was soft rock or reggae.
This article is a re-post, with minor modifications, of “Dogs ‘prefer reggae and soft rock’ to other music genres, research suggests,” an article published on