Beginners are by far the largest population of drummers, and they come in lots of shapes and sizes. We all have been there! So, here are seven tips that will help you dominate the drums.
June 14, 2018
We hope that these tips offer you a perfect recipe to help you get the most out of your drums:
- Make a practice plan – One of the things you can do to get the most out of your drum practice is to set goals for each session.
- Maintain a positive attitude – For active drum practice, it’s important to stay positive! Unfortunately, your fear of failure can prevent you from developing the attitude you need to succeed.
- Follow the 80/20 rule – The 80/20 rule is simple: basically, 80% of your success is determined by only 20% of your efforts.
- Pay attention to posture – Posture plays an essential role in building physical habits, which can make or break your ability to play by affecting your speed, control, power, and overall technique.
- Practice with a Metronome – A device that produces an audible click or other sounds at a regular interval that can be set by the user, typically in beats per minute (BPM).
- Mix up your practice!
- And probably the most crucial piece of advice… Have fun!
For a more detailed explanation of this set of tips we recommend you check out this article.
This article is a re-post, with small modifications, of “Our 8 Best Tips for Effective Drum Practice” an article published on by Susy Z
Click here to visit the original content.