How can you use the power of music to your advantage in language learning? It may sound impossible, but it is easier than you think. Here is how!
May 2nd, 2019
1. Pick a Song in Your Target Language That You LOVE
It’s really important to choose a song that you enjoy – ideally a pop song.
Why? Otherwise, you risk getting sick of it and losing motivation. Choosing a popular song is also beneficial since it’ll be easier to find videos and translations online. Plus, we remember the songs we enjoy even more because those are the songs we listen to more often!
2. Repeat, Repeat, Repeat!
Listen to the song on repeat until you start dreaming about it, you need a lot of exposure.
Even if you feel like you’re not learning anything the 50th time you listen to it, you’re wrong. Your subconscious picks up a lot more than you think. Humans remember songs more than addresses, names, or definitions. Why? Songs stick in our head because of their rhythm and rhyme.
3. Write Out the Lyrics by Hand
After you’ve listened to the song a couple of times and decided you like it, copy down the lyrics by hand. Writing it out by hand may seem old school and inefficient, but studies show that taking notes by hand helps you remember what you’re writing.
4. Write Out a Translation of the Lyrics
Ever wonder why it’s hard to remember how to spell those random scientific terms you learned in chemistry class? It’s because it’s challenging to remember something that you don’t understand.
Translating the lyrics to your song gives it meaning and makes it easier to remember. Plus, you’ll pick up some useful vocabulary in your target language while you’re at it!
5. Memorize One Part of the Song at a Time
Now that you’ve translated the song, it’s time to start memorizing the lyrics by breaking it down into small chunks.
Don’t try to memorize the entire song at once. Instead, start with the easiest parts, perhaps the chorus or the most memorable lines.
This takes time, but don’t worry, once you learn it, it’ll stay with you for years.
This article is a re-post, with small modifications, of “How to Learn a Song in a Language You Don’t Know (And Why It’s the Best Thing You Can Do)” an article published on by Jeremy Ginsburg.
Click here to visit the original content.