Studies show that listening to music can help your baby talk sooner as auditory stimulation and language development are directly related. Plus, music is beneficial for your child even before birth and much more after being born. Keep reading to find out more!
April 30th, 2021
Many scientific studies show that music stimulates children positively. One of these, carried out by the psychology department at the University of Wisconsin (USA), resolved that music learning and language development work using similar mechanisms.
Other research conducted at the University of Washington in Seattle (USA) reveals that levels of cerebral activity increase in the areas linked to speech in children exposed to musical patterns during the day. Plus, researchers highlighted that exposure to music improves children”s ability to hear patterns in sound — an essential skill for beginning to speak.
As a result, one of the best resources to help your child’s speech and communication skills is singing songs.
Similarly, music is a highly effective and helpful tool in treating disorders such as dyslexia and autism. It helps develop and improve the cognitive abilities of children at any stage of growth.
More so, singing with your baby is a tool that encourages them to speak; and is particularly beneficial. It can teach them not just to memorize song lyrics but also to pronounce words correctly. For this exercise to work, songs should be short and have sounds that the kids can associate with things they know.
For more information, you can read the full article published here