A music curriculum is an important component of a well-rounded education. Many benefits come from mastering a new skill, such as learning to play an instrument, in particular for children.
July 6, 2017
Stephanie Stein Crease, author of “Music Lessons: Guide Your Child to Play a Musical Instrument (and Enjoy It!” believes that when your child plays a musical instrument, he/she receives the multiple benefits of becoming musically talented (no matter what instrument he chooses). A few of these advantages include:
Increased Self-Esteem
According to Beth Luey and Stella Saperstein, authors of “The Harmonious Child: Every Parent’s Guide to Musical Instruments, Teachers, and Lessons,” learning to play a musical instrument boosts your child’s self-esteem as she masters a new skill. When your child plays an instrument of her choice, whether she is a beginner or an expert, she experiences the sensation of doing something entertaining for herself and others. As she learns additional skills that allow her to play well, her self-esteem will increase as she discovers that she can reproduce musical selections on her instrument.
Enhanced Learning
Luey and Saperstein write that playing a musical instrument can help boost your child’s academic performance in the classroom. When learning to play a musical instrument, your child is exposed to rhythm and counting that can help him improve his understanding of many different subjects, particularly the concepts presented in mathematics. Music can also improve your child’s study skills, attention to detail and ability to memorize and repeat important facts.
Sense of Community
When your child plays an instrument, chances are she performs with other children who are both older and younger than she is. Crease reports that playing music as a group builds a sense of community and enables your child to feel as if she belongs to something bigger than herself. Working on playing music in harmony with other children will help your child learn about working as a team and will motivate her to work harder, so she does not let her peers down. Cooperating for the purpose of a common goal is a skill that children need as they get older and playing a musical instrument is a powerful way to show your child the value of cooperating with others.
This article is a re-post, with small modifications, of “How Kids Who Play Instruments Benefit” an article published on healthfully.com by Sara Ipatenco.
Click here to visit the original content.