You need to go through six crucial stages to learn a song truly. From learning lyrics to total ownership of the piece! Today, we’ll go over these six stages with you for easy understanding.
Tuesday, April 12th
1) Learning lyrics, melody, phrasing, and structure
In other words, learning “when” and “what” to sing to get through the song from start to finish successfully. Even if one has to think about it.
2) Internalizing lyrics, melody, phrasing, and structure.
Once one has learned the basics, one can start internalizing said information; meaning knowing how it all goes without thinking about it.
3) Fine-tuning
Most songs offer a new challenge. Even after internalizing the information, one may still need to fine-tune pitch entrances, runs, fast passages, enunciation, or breathing depending on where one is as a singer.
4) Interpretation
Here is where the fun part comes in! As an artist, what one will add to make a song exciting and unique. It includes dynamics, attitude, vocal texture, emotional expression, etc.
5) Performance
Does the song merit movement? Interaction with band members? An emphasis on hits or breaks? Is there a solo where the artist will step back as the lead singer and let the focus be elsewhere? At this stage, one knows everything there is to know about a piece and should concentrate on the performing act.
6) Ownership
After performing a song live for a specific time, it finally “gels.” First, one figures out how to sing all of it with a personal style. Then, the artist gets inside the piece, becoming “theirs.” That takes time but also requires the previous steps.
This article is a re-post, with minor modifications, of “1The Six Stages of Learning a Song, ” published on by Adrienne Osborn.