Cari Cole, CEO/Founder of CCVM: Label w/o Walls, singer/songwriter, and celebrity vocal coach of Grammy winners, recently published a list of tips and hacks for singers. It is designed to help artists get their vocal cords ready before a performance, and many renowned artists swear by it!
March 29th, 2021
The three-day rule is Cari’s magic formula, one she has used with clients over the past three decades. It’s a list of the dos and don’ts you should follow for three days before a show to ensure a solid vocal performance. Once you follow the three-day rule, you’ll never look back!
- Drink eight to 10 glasses of water a day
- Eat extra fruits and veggies
- Eat lightly the day before and the day of your performance
- Gargle with warm saltwater
- Clear nasal congestion
- Drink organic Throat Coat tea daily
- Skip the dairy
- Lay off the caffeine
- Stay away from foods that cause acid reflux (e.g., sodas, citrus fruits, chocolate, caffeine, tomatoes)
- Avoid spicy foods — they tend to cause problems with high notes, and shifting registers will be bumpy
- Avoid eating late as it causes acid reflux regardless of what food you eat! Leave three hours after eating before bedtime
- Do not take antihistamines — if you suffer from allergies, get tested and get on a treatment that doesn’t include antihistamines.
- Avoid alcohol — especially hard liquors!
- Don’t smoke! And Stay away from second-hand smoke three days before a performance
- Get eight to 10 hours of sleep every night
- Cure a hoarse voice using “Roxalia,” a homeopathic remedy that reduces the vocal folds’ swelling. Take it for three days before and the day of singing
- Steam with four to five drops of essential oils of lavender and eucalyptus (use pure and organic essential oils) in a pot of water for 10 minutes each day
Do you have any other tips and tricks to add to Cari’s list? Please share them with us!
This article is a re-post, with small modifications, of “The Three-Day Rule: Performance Tips for Singers,” an article published on by Cari Cole.