Learning to play the piano as an adult can be intimidating. Most people believe they are too old to start playing a musical instrument. But, you shouldn’t be hesitant! It is never too late.
May 21st, 2019
Today, we wanted to share with you a few useful tips to get rid of that ‘stage fright’ and start following your dreams!
1. Find a teacher
2. Set goals
3. Learn the basics
4. Make practicing a priority
5. Find music you enjoy playing
6. Take it one step at a time
7. Be willing to make mistakes
8. Celebrate improvements
9. Have fun
But overall, the best tip you can get is DO IT NOW! You will never know how good you can turn out to be if you don’t start.
This article is a re-post, with small modifications, of “Ten Tips for Learning to Play the Piano as an Adult” an article published on deseretindustries.org
Click here to visit the original content.