We talked about the benefits and pros of Music extensively on previous posts, but on this occasion, we want to share a list of incredible facts about music you might have missed.
April 10th, 2019
Fact #1 With Music – You Learn Better
Music significantly impacts and boosts our learning capabilities. Listening to music while reading or studying, triggers the part of our brain that is used to memorize. As a result, you are capable of remembering even the most complicated things better and quicker than when in complete silence.
Moreover, music helps with concentration and focus, making you more efficient at the task at hand.
Fact #2 Music Powers Up Your Workout
Music helps improve your efficiency when you workout at the gym. Different studies have given many reasons for this.
Even though working out might act as a distraction, thereby diverting the mind from fatigue and exertion, music helps better that mood.
Also, scientists found that music helps you to meditate and escape negative thoughts, making your workout even more enjoyable.
Facts #3 Music Could Alter the Brain
It is a fact that the brain has an impressive ability to alter its size and conditions with time. These changes are due to learning and the connections between neurons. According to a recent study, professional musicians have a bigger cortex (grey matter) than intermediate or amateur musicians. Moreover, those who practice music, have an enlarged cortex when compared to those who don’t.
Facts #5 Heartbeat Changes Along with Musical Notes
Researchers found a shocking fact about music. The human heartbeat mimics musical beats. Hence, our pulse, blood pressure, and respiration synchronize with the tempo of the tunes we play.
In short, we can conclude that our whole body reacts to music more than what we ever imagined. Whether it is on a physical or psychological plain, music significantly affects our body.