What better way to train your brain than with music, as it is not only good for the mind but also for different areas of your life like trust and fitness. Keep on reading to find out more!
August 02,2019.
Some of the benefits of reading and learning music include:
• Reading music helps you better understand the origin of the music you listen to.
• Music can ramp up your social life:
– It promotes friendships with people with similar interests.
– Encourages outings such as concerts, presentations, and other events.
– Allows you to be part of group activities like a choir or even a band.
• Being able to read and adequately write music can help you become a better artist. By doing so, you will be able to analyze melodies, times, and context.
• Music also helps you understand history and culture. Wh? Simple, music is an essential part of the world’s history.
• Learning and performing music boosts your self-esteem. Moreover, music can help you to understand yourself more, better express yourself, and raise spirits!
• Last but not least, music has a plethora of physical benefits. For instance, music has proven to have positive psychiatric effects such as better memory and coordination.
For more information visit the following site.
This article is a re-post, with small modifications, of ¨Why should i learn to read music?¨ an article published on https://www.classicfm.com by Coco Amor.